Living Room Lectures THE FORBIDDEN: Voice Over and Flashback on Nov. 9 Uncategorized, UncategorizedSamuel BirdsongSeptember 16, 2013
Registration is open for the winter TAKE CLASS: Wednesdays 1/8 to 3/12 Uncategorized, UncategorizedSamuel BirdsongSeptember 16, 2013
Interview with Wendall in Melbourne's THE AGE: Uncategorized, UncategorizedSamuel BirdsongAugust 6, 2013
Wendall back at the Melbourne International Film Festival Uncategorized, UncategorizedSamuel BirdsongJune 23, 2013
SUMMER WRITING WORKSHOP June 24 through August 26 Uncategorized, UncategorizedSamuel BirdsongMay 6, 2013
Writing a Great One-Hour Pilot on 4/20 and The Crucial Third Act on 5/18 Uncategorized, UncategorizedSamuel BirdsongMarch 5, 2013
Still a few spots in the Spring Rewrite Class running April 3 through June 5 Uncategorized, UncategorizedSamuel BirdsongMarch 5, 2013
Evil Genius: Writing a Great Villain on January 26 and The Forbidden: Voice Over and Flashback on February 16 Uncategorized, UncategorizedSamuel BirdsongJanuary 4, 2013
Multi-Protagonist/Multi-Story Structure November 3 Uncategorized, UncategorizedSamuel BirdsongOctober 2, 2012
Wendall's TAKE CLASS January 9 - March 6 Open for registration Uncategorized, UncategorizedSamuel BirdsongOctober 2, 2012
August 25: Creating Great Relationships on Screen Uncategorized, UncategorizedSamuel BirdsongAugust 19, 2012
July 21 The Dreaded Second Act: A practical guide Uncategorized, UncategorizedSamuel BirdsongJune 26, 2012
Wendall lecturing at Melbourne International Film Festival Uncategorized, UncategorizedSamuel BirdsongApril 9, 2012
TRANSFORMATION: Creating the Character Arc on April 28 and MAKING A SCENE: The Magic and Mechanics of Scene Structure on May 19 Uncategorized, UncategorizedSamuel BirdsongMarch 27, 2012
The Multi-Protagonist Romantic Comedy: CRAZY STUPID LOVE Feb. 25 Uncategorized, UncategorizedSamuel BirdsongJanuary 22, 2012
"You Talkin' to Me?": Writing Great Movie Dialogue January 28 Uncategorized, UncategorizedSamuel BirdsongDecember 21, 2011
Registration now open for Wendall's TAKE CLASS starting January 12 Uncategorized, UncategorizedSamuel BirdsongNovember 28, 2011
Living Room Lecture 11/5 -- BRIDESMAIDS: Anatomy of a Hit Uncategorized, UncategorizedSamuel BirdsongSeptember 27, 2011