TRANSFORMATION: Creating the Character Arc on April 28 and MAKING A SCENE: The Magic and Mechanics of Scene Structure on May 19
"TRANSFORMATION: Constructing a character arc " 10am to 5pm Saturday April 28. $100.00 payable by check or PayPal
Once you’ve created indelible characters, what do you do with them? This seminar will focus on creating a believable and organic character arc which is connected fully both to the character and the structure of your script. The key is to show a subtle, one step forward, two steps back change in your characters perception, but not to change his or her nature for a satifsying climax. This transformation is usually constructed in a series of specific character decisions. We’ll discuss how to write believable decisions and how to link them directly to your structure.
"MAKING A SCENE: The Magic and Mechanics of Scene Structure" 10am to 5pm on May 19. $100.00 payable by check or PayPal
Screenwriting courses always stress the importance of film structure, but frequently lack the time to focus on the very building blocks of that structure: the scene, the scene sequence and the transitions which move the story from one scene to the next. Yet so often, it is one scene or sequence which we remember, which haunts us when the film is done - Sugar boarding the train in SOME LIKE IT HOT, Evelyn Mulwray's incest confession in CHINATOWN, the goodbye in CASABLANCA, the climactic deliver in THE KING’S SPEECH. What is it that makes these scenes so unforgettable?
This workshop will focus on the internal workings of scene and sequence writing as well as the myriad ways scenes can be used to improve the overall structure, emotion and pace of any script. It will include clips from a variety of films and genres, using scenes and sequences which have different structural functions: character introductions, turning points and climaxes, etc. We will break down both individual scenes and longer sequences into all their many parts, particularly focusing on learning to layer scenes so that they carry maximum impact and story information
EMAIL WENDALL AT to register.