I love writing in hotels. You can read about why at MURDER IS EVERYWHERE. Wendall ThomasAugust 25, 2023
How to keep a dozen seventeen year old boys alive long enough to get into an Ivy League college... Wendall ThomasMay 4, 2023
Honored my article "Vacation, Vacation, Vacation" appears in the latest issue of Mystery Readers International. Wendall ThomasApril 11, 2023
Gobsmacked that Cyd Redondo is on this Top Ten Heroes list, alongside Miss Marple and Harry Bosch! Wendall ThomasApril 4, 2023
Here's a new post up on MURDER IS EVERYWHERE about Left Coast Crime and my love affair with Tucson Wendall ThomasMarch 23, 2023
There's a new post up about one of my favorite London haunts at MURDER IS EVERYWHERE Wendall ThomasMarch 9, 2023
Was so happy to be chosen for Film London's UPstream. Here's a rundown of the conference. Wendall ThomasFebruary 15, 2023
Thrilled to announce that I've joined the MURDER IS EVERYWHERE blogspot. Wendall ThomasFebruary 9, 2023
Honored that LOST LUGGAGE was featured in Film London's UPstream Program this week. Wendall ThomasFebruary 2, 2023
An interview about Novel Writing vs. Screenwriting on the SIMPLY WRITE PODCAST Wendall ThomasJanuary 9, 2023
Just in case anyone missed the flutter of FOGGED OFF activity on First Chapter Fun... Wendall ThomasNovember 26, 2022
Thrilled that the opening pages of FOGGED OFF will be featured on FIRST CHAPTER FUN Wendall ThomasSeptember 29, 2022
New Zoom Lecture coming August 27 and 28. Click on PRIVATE CLASSES page. Wendall ThomasAugust 3, 2022
Honored to find LOST LUGGAGE on a list of "Ten Books Too Good To Review Properly." Wendall ThomasFebruary 16, 2022
I'm on the CAREER AUTHORS site today, talking about how movies can help your novels. Wendall ThomasFebruary 9, 2022
Thrilled to announce that FOGGED OFF has been nominated for Best Humorous Mystery of 2021. Wendall ThomasJanuary 17, 2022